Services > Energy Saving > Bioclimate
  • Bioclimate

The principle

Natural air conditioning occurs in nature on constant basis. A clear example of this process is when ocean breezes enter into contact with bodies of water, causing a specific rate of evaporation that lowers air temperature, also humidifying it to different degrees depending on local weather conditions. Using this principle, our natural air conditioning systems allow for maximum quality and comfort in a completely natural way, only requiring the use of water, which is returned to the atmosphere in the form of water vapor. Natural air conditioning systems do not use CFC refrigerant gases or any other type of similar gases that damage the environment.

Benefits of our technology

The natural process of evaporation allows for controlling parameters that are necessary for optimizing air quality. An example is a reduction in air temperature. It also allows for controlling relative humidity, increasing it to a level that is optimum for the health and comfort of individuals. These systems work by constantly renewing the air quality, and so it is never re-circulated, always introducing new, filtered, fresh air, creating a small chamber of increased pressure in the interior that does not allow dust, pollen, and odors to enter from the exterior.

It also acts by creating negative ions – beneficial for providing relaxing environments, combating allergies, and facilitating respiratory system functioning and the relaxation of guests – moreover eliminating static electricity.

Our natural air conditioning system is the most efficient on the market due to the fact that its maintenance cost in energy consumption terms is 80% less than that of conventional air conditioning devices.