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Efizia offers turnkey energy efficiency tailored specifically for hotels and the service industry.

The year 2010 witnessed the birth of Efizia, the first company whose specific goal it is to satisfy the hospitality industry's energy efficiency and energy savings needs. The initiative arises from a convergence of interests between the Solsegur Group - a pioneering hotel equipment company with more than 20 years' experience - and Digion, a company recognized for new technologies and cutting-edge renewables. Under the Efizia brand, both companies will enter into a sector with a constantly growing demand for efficient and energy-saving products at a time in which cost-reduction is becoming the foundation for capable and profitable hotel management.
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PALMA DE MALLORCA, May 18, 2011.
Roc Hotels and Efizia study an agreement on efficient technology implementation.
MADRID, May 9, 2011
Efizia will produce its own line of LED products for the service sector.
MADRID, May 4, 2011.
Caritas calls on Efizia to implement thermodynamic technologies into its retirement homes.
PANAMA, April 23, 2011.
Efizia opens up markets in the Latin American hospitality industry.
Renewable Energy Efficiency
- Thermodynamic Solar Energy
- Intelligent Climate-Control Systems
- Low-Temperature Heating Systems
- Purification Kit